Building Success: The Power of Consistency in Marketing

The current market is very competitive. Businesses that differentiate themselves and stand the best chance of success prioritise consistency and visibility.

It’s essential to remember that “out of sight means out of mind.” Most people require time to make a purchasing decision after coming across a brand for the first time. In fact it is said that only 3% of your potential buyers are actually ready to buy when they first discover you! If you are a one-hit wonder in that moment, with no regular communication with this newly captured audience, you will quickly be forgotten when the time comes that they actually need you and are ready to hand over their money. 

That’s where a good marketing strategy comes in. It should be built with a multi-channel focus, regular customer touch points and tools that collaborate to create a consistent and relevant experience for your customers along their discovery and buying journey.

To establish an effective marketing strategy, you must consider the following factors:

  • Target audience: Who are your ideal customers? What are their needs and interests? How do they prefer to interact? What problems are you really solving for them?
  • Business objectives: What do you want to achieve through your marketing efforts?
  • Available resources: How much time and money can you dedicate to your strategy?
  • Choose the right channels: Select the channels where your target audience is and where they are most likely to find your content thinking about interacting with them at each step of the journey (awareness, research and conversion). 
  • Create relevant content: Your content should be informative, engaging, relatable and appealing to your audience. Think VALUE over quantity here. 
  • Tailor your communication: Utilise data and insights to personalise your messages for individuals, offering a more customised experience to boost engagement and satisfaction.
  • Surprise and delight: Sameness breeds contempt. Think outside the box. Interact with your potential customers in a way that helps you stand out from the crowd and etches your brand in their memories. 

Staying consistent with your marketing allows your brand to engage customers more precisely and efficiently, broadening your reach, enhancing customer engagement, strategically positioning your brand, increasing awareness, boosting the likelihood of successful transactions and fostering loyalty.

Contact us if you’re ready to elevate your marketing efforts and create a consistent marketing strategy to keep your business top-of-mind and drive sales to new heights.

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