How to Take Good Photos for Social Media With Just Your Phone

We all know the saying ‘an image can speak a thousand words.’ This isn’t just because an image can impart many messages, but also because our brains are able to interpret imagery much quicker than recognising words.

Having photos of yourself in your social media content is especially important when you are building a personal brand or are in the professional services industry where people need to connect with a face to trust your brand.

Check out the tips below for ways to help you capture the perfect self and team shots with only your phone!

  1. Utilise natural lighting: Lighting can make or break your photo! Understanding how to use light is a very important step in getting the perfect photo. If possible, try to use natural light over using your flash, as natural light with create richer, brighter photos, while a flash can wash out your subject.

    Try to shoot outdoors, near a window, or in a well-lit room, and avoid using a lamp as a light source as this will create a yellow or harsh bright light. Even nighttime can be a good time to take photos, with street lamps and store windows providing a great source of ambient light.

  2. Use even lighting: Big overpowering shadows or backlighting definitely don’t contribute to an Instagram-worthy self or team image (unless that is the style you are looking for of course). Try to ensure that your photo is as evenly lit from all angles as possible.

  3. Don’t pose: Do you find that when you have a camera pointed at you, you just don’t know what to do? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of people experience this sense of awkwardness when being told to pose for a photo.

    For a much more natural-looking image, capturing a candid moment is the way to go. And how do you do this without still feeling like you have to pose? It’s simple… act like the camera isn’t there. Move around, walk, and interact with your surroundings.

  4. Take lots of pictures in one photoshoot: The last thing you want after a photoshoot is to look back at the pictures and realise you don’t have the shot you want, right? To avoid having to stop and start over and over again, take lots of photos in the one shoot, as you change poses, because it is more likely you will get the image you want, and you can easily delete the rest later.

  5. Pay close attention to your background: In general, a simpler background will compliment your photo better than a super cluttered one. Cluttered backgrounds will draw focus away from the main subject and can make the image appear a little overwhelming. You also want to make sure that you want everything in your background to be there. There is nothing worse than capturing the perfect photo, only to find something unflattering in the background.

  6. Download our FREE 3-Step Photoshoot Guide for a step-by-step guide and more tips and tricks on how to capture the perfect image of yourself and your team for your business’s social media!

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